Trauma-Informed Yoga

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What is Trauma-Informed Yoga?

This form of yoga is designed to connect you back to your body and reclaim the power that is within the body. This “somatic” or body wisdom is gently introduced in a supportive and non-judgemental setting. Trauma-Informed yoga is about learning kindness, ease, and natural ways of releasing tension at each person’s pace.

What can I expect during a session? What do I need to do?

Each session is very similar and every person is supported in what feels best in their body. There are no expectations in any session and often showing up

is truly the most difficult thing. You are invited to explore what feels best to you with guidance and space to return back to your body, breath and senses.

What are the Benefits?

● Find peace in yoga

● Find what feels best in your body

● Connection to yourself and others

● Find stability in your body

● Process things learned in therapy

● Learn boundaries and what your body is saying

● Trust yourself and connect to your purpose

● Better mood, sleep, digestion, clarity, & flexibility

Creative Outlet

Rest for the mind opens us up to the natural gifts each person has. These sessions will help you discover your value and ability to reconnect with the community. Our trauma is not spoken, but is held in a supported space to grieve, laugh, journal, cry, or just to be you once again.

Lisa is honored and so excited to share time refilling your cups!

Reach out to us today!

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