Hypnotherapy is Helpful For Many Reasons:
- Stress Reduction
- Overcoming Fears
- Smoking
- Stage Fright
- Fear of Flying
- Weight Loss
- Phobias
- Grief
- Positive Outlook
- Spiritual Growth
- Sports Performance
- Loving Oneself
- Wounded Past
- Pain Management
Daydreaming, Relaxing, Floating… people say this is how hypnotherapy feels. NLP helps realize a higher meaning, potential and confidence. Come and Learn it.
Pain control, stress management, and more rapid healing has been accepted by the American Medical Association since 1958. Although everyday use of hypnosis has not quite reached mainstream availability here yet, in Europe hypnosis has been used to assist in operations and healing for several decades. The British Medical Association endorsed hypnosis in 1892 and approved the use for childbirth, pain, etc. in 1955. “Bypassing the critical factor” is about getting beyond limiting beliefs. Hypnosis can be used effectively on medical, dental and personal issues.
However, if you have the limiting belief that the mind cannot create a powerful change, you will limit your ability to do so.
In hypnosis, this limiting belief can be bypassed. “The establishing of acceptable selective thinking,” the second part of the definition, refers to using hypnosis to guide someone into a receptive state of mind by using a hypnotic induction. Opening the mind to selective thinking creates the mental environment or state of mind that enables you to change limiting beliefs (the ones you acquired during your lifetime), so that you can empower yourself with new and more useful ones.
Helpful Links:
National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health
Hypnosis https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/hypnosis
Kristin Fein, CYT, CHt
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IHatha & Prenatal Yoga Teacher
Hypnotherapist & NLP Coach