Distance Reiki Healing

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What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient technique that originated in Japan. The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese words: “rei’ is generally translated as “universal” and the word ” Ki” is translated as ” energy” or ” life force”. Therefore, Reiki represents the Universal life force energy that is within us and prevails all around us. Many branches of science now understand that there is an unseen energy that flows through all living beings. Reiki is a form of “energy healing’ that works well alongside all forms of treatment (e.g. Western Medicine, Counseling, and Alternative Medicine).

How does Distant Reiki Healing work?

Distant energy healing sessions are just as powerful and effective as in-person sessions. Distant energy healing is held over an audio call or zoom with the practitioner and client from two different locations. The practitioner and client schedule a time for the session and discuss presenting concerns and goals the client may have for the session. At the scheduled time, the client is requested to sit or lie down in a private, quiet place, through the length of the session with no interruptions.

The Reiki practitioner visualizes the client, scans for chakra blockages, and directs the energy to the chakras with similar positions on the body that are treated during an in-person session. The Reiki energy is directed to similar positions on the body that are treated during an in-person session. The practitioner might choose crystals especially for areas where the client needs healing

Benefits of Reiki

  • Promotes Relaxation and Stress Relief
  • Boost Immune System
  • Develops body awareness of triggers and feelings of anxiety
  • Assist in removing energy blocks of Anxiety from the body
  • Increase the level of happiness and emotional well-being
  •  Encourages restful sleep

Distance ( Virtual) Reiki healing energy sessions work the same as an in-person Reiki session except that the person receiving Reiki is not in the same room. We all have the universal life force energy around us and it flows through our bodies. Distance Reiki helps to connect and channel the universal life force energy for healing mind and body.

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