Emily Walker, LPC | (They/Them)

Art Therapist | Licensed Professional Counselor

Currently full, waitlist full 

Emily is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a Master’s degree in Art Therapy Counseling. Specializing in art therapy and body based work, they are trained in supporting a variety of eating disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, chronic illness, and complex PTSD. Emily offers a deep awareness of LGBTQ+ concerns and holds an anti-oppressive lens, bringing space in session to explore, process, and challenge cultural/systemic assumptions and beliefs.

PNW native, Emily’s ultimate goal is to meet others where they are at and empower them to draw upon internal and external resources of strength. Emily utilizes a relational approach with a creative flair; each session is catered to fit the needs of the individual. They are trained to work with children over the age of 10 and adults of all ages.

Emily’s use of art therapy in combination with traditional talk therapy allows clients to connect with themselves, their bodies, thoughts, emotions, and relationships at a deeper level without the limitations of words. Art therapy is accessible to anyone, not just an “artist”, as the purpose behind the art making is the process not the final product. In session Emily will often use a combination of Person-Centered, Polyvagal Theory, Narrative Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy along with art therapy interventions.

While therapy can be difficult, Emily believes in bringing compassion and humor into the therapeutic relationship. When not in the office, they can be found reading a book, creating art, visiting coffee shops around the city, or taking their cat on a walk!

Rates & Insurance


In-Network:   Aetna, Kaiser, Providence, Moda, Regence  


  • Intake Session (Initial Consultation) 60 min session - $250
  • Individual Therapy - 50 min therapy session - $205

Self Pay Option

If you prefer to pay out of pocket, MindTree accepts all payments from all major credit cards, checks, cash, or HSA (Health Savings Account). The following rates apply to self-pay clients:

  • Intake Session (Initial Consult) - 60 min session - $250
  • Individual Therapy - 50 min Therapy session - $205

OON (Out of Network)

If you have an insurance plan which MindTree does not accept, we can help you for possible reimbursement from your insurance provider. Necessary documentation (Counseling only) will be provided to submit your sessions to your insurance companies. If you like to use your OON benefits and have out of network mental health coverage, we are able to bill your sessions directly to your insurance company. Please be aware of your out of network mental health benefits before scheduling. We encourage you to call your carrier to find out your OON benefits.

Please check your out of network coverage carefully by asking the following questions to your insurance company:

  • Do I have mental health insurance benefits?
  • What is the coverage amount per session?
  • How many sessions are covered?
  • Do my benefits cover sessions with an Out of Network Provider?