EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a type of treatment that helps us to access and reprocess past traumatic memories and other disturbing life experiences that are affecting our present life.
Why do past experiences continue to impact us?
At the time those disturbing events happened, our brain got wired to survive and deal with the pain and make sense of things that did not make it. All of us have the capacity to heal, but sometimes that capacity has been overloaded because the adverse experiences that we are trying to heal from took place too early in our lives, were too unexpected, too overwhelming, or too repetitive. Or all of those.
The responses that our nervous system may have developed to adapt to those experiences when they occurred may have been helpful at that time. But probably, with time and in different life conditions, the adaptations of our nervous system are no longer effective. Sometimes these adaptations get in the way when we try to find peace within ourselves and build good relationships with others. Being able to reprocess those memories could help us to feel less triggered and have more adaptive responses in our present lives.