Anxiety in Young Adults

Does it seem like everyone around you has their life figured out while you’re struggling to get it together? Raise your hand if:

You’re overwhelmed by post after post of graduations, job promotions, travels, weddings, and pregnancy announcements.

You feel like you’re falling behind your peers or where you “should be” by this age. 

You feel a sense of existential dread and uncertainty about the future.

You feel unhappy yet stuck with your current circumstances– be it your job, relationship, where you live, etc.

You feel embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty for not knowing “how to adult”.

If you metaphorically (or literally!) raised your hand, congratulations– you have entered the ranks of young adulthood!

Unfortunately for more and more young adults, things like anxiety and depression are becoming increasingly prevalent. There are several factors that contribute to these rising trends including social media, heightening academic stress, and financial hardships (aka bills, bills, bills).

If left unchecked, this stress can significantly impact your mental health and lead to consequences in your academic or job performance, your relationships, and your overall health and wellbeing. 

Therapy can give you support and help to make sure it doesn’t get to that place.

Through counseling at MindTree, we will help you to:

  • Better manage stressors.
  • Learn to live in line with your true values rather than the life you think you “should be living”.
  • Learn how to cultivate healthy relationships. 
  • Reduce feelings of shame and get you to a place of feeling proud of yourself. 
  • Increase your confidence in taking on the challenges of adulthood. 

No one is born knowing how to flourish or “adult”. It takes time, learning, and support. Reach out to us and begin creating your best life today. 

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