Anxiety in Children

Have you noticed that your child?

Seems to worry or cry more than other kids their age

Has trouble sleeping, such as frequent nightmares or not wanting to sleep alone

Gets angry or throws tantrums easily

Has trouble going to unfamiliar places or meeting new people

Often complains that they don’t feel well, such as having a headache or stomachache 

Struggles with going to school- either refusing to go or asking to come home early

Has trouble focusing or seems restless

If so, your child might be experiencing anxiety.

Some anxiety is a normal part of childhood as kids learn to face their fears and take on new experiences. It can even be a good thing as they gain a sense of confidence with each new fear they overcome! We are now seeing more and more children reach the point where they develop an anxiety disorder which can have symptoms that are longer lasting and more severe. 

Anxiety disorders can come about for a number for reasons. For some children, there is a genetic predisposition to anxiety. For others, it can come about from experiencing significant life stressors. Either way, the sooner the anxiety is addressed, the sooner your child (and you!) can develop tools to help manage it. 

There are many ways that therapy can help your child with their anxiety.

Through counseling at MindTree, we will help your child to:

  • Explore and address the root causes of their anxiety through age-appropriate therapy such as play therapy, art therapy, and talk therapy.
  • Learn ways to cope with triggers for their anxiety.
  • Think differently in moments of anxiety to help them from getting overwhelmed.
  • Learn skills to help them calm themselves during moments of anxiety.
  • Gradually build their confidence to face their fears.

Things can get better for them– and reaching out is the first step. 

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