Anxiety in Adults

Have you ever

Had worries play over and over again in your mind like a broken record

Suddenly found yourself doing every other task imaginable except for the one you really need to get done

Had trouble sleeping because you can’t seem to get your mind to quiet down

Said to yourself, “I’ll get to that tomorrow” only to push it to the next day…and the next day…and the next

Found yourself perhaps worrying that others are mad at you or that you’re in trouble, even when you’ve done nothing wrong

Avoided people or situations because they just felt too overwhelming

Had physical reactions when worrying like heart racing, trouble breathing, or sweating

Lashed out at others because you’ve felt so overwhelmed

Had trouble focusing because you’re so caught up in your own thoughts and worries

If so, you might be experiencing anxiety.

Some degree of worrying is normal and even helpful (it’s why we wear seatbelts and look both ways before we cross the street!) but when the worry feels like it’s happening all the time and getting in the way of you living your life, it’s important to do something about it.

Many people struggle with anxiety in their day to day lives. But why struggle with anxiety when you can learn to manage it and thrive instead?

There are many ways that therapy can help.

Through counseling for anxiety with MindTree, we will help you to:

  • Identify the root causes of your anxiety
  • Break out of the anxious thought spirals and develop more balanced ways to view situations
  • Reduce avoidance behaviors by helping you step outside of your comfort zone little bits at a time
  • Learn to calm your body in moments when you feel overwhelmed
  • Spend less time in your head and more time in the present with the people you care about
  • And much more!

You don’t have to be stuck with this anxiety forever. Reach out to us and begin to feel relief today.

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