Anger Management in Children

Does it seem like your child

  • Is frequently getting into trouble at school for disrespecting their teachers or other authority figures?

  • Has trouble expressing their frustrations with their words, instead becoming explosive and expressing their anger through yelling, throwing items, or getting physical?

  • Escalates from calm to throwing tantrums seemingly out of nowhere? 

  • Often talks back to you or outright ignores you?

  • Does not respond to your attempts to calm them down, leading to you both becoming escalated, upset, and exhausted? 

If so, let’s be clear. Your child isn’t a bad kid. Nor are you a bad parent.


Anger is an iceberg emotion– meaning that there are often many emotions happening beneath the surface such as shame, frustration, fear, etc.-- but we only see the surface level anger and its outbursts. Because of this, people sometimes get stuck focusing on managing (or perhaps punishing) the anger and the underlying emotions feeding the anger get missed. 

Without the proper coping skills, children struggle to identify and express those underlying emotions and often are left with the only thing they perhaps know how to do– get angry. And while tantrums or angry moments are an expected part of childhood, we want to intervene before they become your child’s go-to response.

There are many ways that therapy can help your child (and you!) better manage their anger.

Through counseling at MindTree, we will help you and your child to:

  • Explore and identify the underlying emotions to their anger.

  • Learn the triggers for their anger so they can anticipate, avoid, or minimize those situations.

  • Learn ways to more calmly express and release their anger without escalating.

You don’t have to be stuck in this exhausting cycle. Reach out today to schedule a session.

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