DBT Skills Group

What is DBT?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a type of talk therapy that is helpful for individuals struggling with emotional dysregulation, impulsive behaviors, relationship difficulties, and managing stress.

What is the Group?

A DBT skills group is essentially a structured class where participants learn and practice specific coping mechanisms, like mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness, through guided exercises and lessons, focusing on acquiring practical tools to navigate challenging situations and emotions, rather than discussing personal problems in a traditional group therapy setting; it's more like a skills training session with homework assignments to apply what's learned in daily life.

Key points about a DBT skills group

Focus on skills, not personal sharing:

The primary goal is to learn and practice specific skills, not to delve deeply into personal experiences like in traditional group therapy.

Structured curriculum:

The group follows a set curriculum covering the four core DBT skills: mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. Mindfulness Meditation will be the topic that is covered the most during these groups, and is something that will be practiced during every group.

Active participation:

Participants actively engage in exercises, and discussions to practice applying the skills learned. There is no requirement for participation in discussions, however most clients choose to do so.


Each participant will be given a free copy of the DBT Skills workbook. You can use this to complete assignments given during group, and as a resource to continue learning skills after group time.

Teacher-like facilitator:

The group leader acts as a teacher, providing instruction, demonstrating skills, and offering feedback.

If you are interested and would like more information please fill out this form or give us a call at (503) 966-1556.

What the Group Entails

  • Flexible, begin and end as needed.
  • Focus on skills, not personal sharing.
  • Structured curriculum.
  • Active participation.
  • Weekly workbook assignments.
  • For adults 18 and older.

Let's get started

A flexible 12 week class with a rotating curriculum starting Thursday April 3rd, 2025.

Where: Virtual

When: Thursdays 11:30am-12:30pm

Cost: $75 per session, insurance coverage with some plans.

Reach out to us today!

Use the form below to send us a message. You may also call or email anytime.
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